The Annual General Assembly of the NDG Business Association

The BizNDG Annual General Assembly will be held via video conference on Wednesday, March 29, 2023, from 8:15 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. We invite our members and the NDG business community to join us at this meeting for the economic development of the neighbourhood.
The purpose of the Assembly is to inform members of the progress of our organization during the past period, as well as the projects planned for the coming months. As such, AGA provides an opportunity for attendees to become familiar with the structure of BizNDG, meet the Board of Directors and get involved in our action plan.
In addition, there are seats available on the Board of Directors. Those interested in running for election can do so during the meeting.
To confirm your attendance and to obtain meeting link, please send your contact information to   
Have a great AGA 2023 everyone! 



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